Thursday 17 December 2015

The Priority Game: I've been given the key

Who knew? Dieting is actually all about priorities. You don't have to sacrifice the food you love but you do have to trade for it.

Let me be clear; how I see it is that there are two tasks ahead of me. Number one is losing weight. Number two is eating 100% healthily. The game achieves 90% number one and 10% number two. I am currently more focused on number one and when that task is complete I will focus on number two.

It is a good, healthy habit to learn that you can't just eat what you want and that balance is the key. However, the priority game isn't all healthy habits.

Over the past 2 weeks I've mastered the game. I have got through my Christmas parties full of food and drink in two ways; firstly, earning extra kcals through exercise and secondly, saving kcals by eating less through the week. 

It's not quite as simple as this because not only is the balance of eat more vs eat less important but it's also important not to eat too little to compensate. Your body is a complex machine and I'm only learning the first chapter of the manual. To take a very masculine example think of a car which as it runs out of fuel it makes you limit your speed and drive more smoothly in order to reduce fuel consumption. I don't profess to fully understand cars and neither do I profess to understand the human body in its entirety. However, I do know if you reduce the kcal too much you will not lose weight as quickly as you will with a more stable energy source. Think of it as the fire of the machine going out so that it can't burn anything else. 

That all said, if you put too much fuel in a car it spills. Fortunately (?!) this doesn't happen with food in the body, we just store it 'for emergency'. Alternatively, in my case, rather than emergency, my body just did it to annoy me! 

So, if we can't reduce very much then the only way to 'find' the extra kcal is to earn it - exercise. This doesn't always mean a run or an exercise class. As I've already mentioned I have fibromyalgia, so I'm in no state to go for a run. But I can cycle on my exercise bike. This is how I discovered the key to the game. 

I did cut 100kcal here and there but at my weight I was getting an extra 400kcal in 30 mins on the bike!! Why would I go hungry when I can earn the kcals in 30 mins!

I lost three lbs each week. 

Lbs lost 39
Lbs to lose 81

Monday 7 December 2015

Party season - fun and stressful!

I'm having a lot of fun this party season, I'm feeling happier about the way I look and so enjoying the events more. Especially with the complements I'm receiving.

I don't know whether it is the weather, but today I'm feeling a little down and pressured as my third social event for Christmas is this evening (which I am looking forward to)!

I've already had two naughty days (Friday and Saturday) and yesterday I wasn't naughty, but didn't eat below my calories to compensate. I shouldn't feel guilty for this and I should just move on, but I have to say it is not always easy to make the body feel what the mind knows it should!

So, I'm going to try and convince myself that I am still doing good in a list:
  1. I did limit myself at the xmas party on Friday
    • I chose the better options (i.e. turkey)
    • I didn't hover up the macaroons
    • I didn't eat the not nice cheesecake (that wouldn't have stopped me in the past - I still would have eaten it!)
  2. On Saturday, I ate well in the day to compensate for the evening, but I did go bad in the evening. I have to remember, that in the past I would have eaten normally then still gone all out in the evening. So this is a win.
  3. On Sunday I only ate 1410 kcal. This is 30kcal over goal, but rather than lying on the sofa for the day
    • I did some cleaning and I sorted all my paperwork - this is a win - I'm being more active and doing things I've put off for a long time
  4. I'm making myself accountable on here
So yes, I was a bit naughty compared to the diet, but I was better than I was in the past!

I need to remember my own rules in my post 'Starting my journey with Jane Plan'
  • Don't beat yourself up;
  • Alter your behaviour as best you can;
  • Be better, it doesn't have to be perfect; and
  • Make up for it afterwards.
I suppose the last one is the one I'm struggling with due to the frequency of these events. I only have 3 days after today until the next! I think that I need to not try and come under my kcal on the days in between, but just stick to them. That will take the pressure off.

I'd love to hear how you are coping with the party season?

Thursday 3 December 2015

Christmas starts tomorrow!

The party season, for me, starts tomorrow!

First is my work Christmas party. I'm primping and prepping tonight (which I haven't done in a long time!). I'll be wearing a dress I wore 2 years ago but is 2 sizes smaller than I was wearing 10 weeks ago! The dress, for me, symbolises that I'm rid of the back pain weight! We work over a few offices so there are some people I haven't seen during the diet. I really hope they notice!

I've chosen my meals (we had to do this in advance); I've chosen salmon, turkey and a desert that's in separate parts that I can give away and just have a little. I think these are the best choices. As in a previous blog though, once the wine starts my motivation dissipates. I've saved up 1200 kcal through the week though so I'm feeling ok about this. 

I have another event on Saturday. I've organised it so I have to go! It's dinner with my fibromyalgia support group. I can just have a salad at this one (maybe a g and t as hair of the dog...or I wonder how many kcal in Bloody Mary...?). 

I then have drinks on Monday and the team Xmas party the following Friday. I know I'm being naughty at this one...I couldn't resist the pork belly!!! Need to save some kcals up in the week for that!

Happy party season people! I'd love to hear how you're getting through it. 

31lbs off 
89lbs to go 

UPDATE: hangover isn't too bad thanks to the copious amounts of water. My tactic was to ensure that if I was holding a glass rather than drinking per se that it would be the water glass. I only held the wine glass when I sipped from it. 

I did let go on the food a bit. I ate the full roast turkey dinner with sauce. It backfired...I didn't realise how much my tummy had shrunk...I felt very sick after eating it. Fortunately a terrible tasting cheesecake stopped me eating it it but I did have 3 mini macaroons (though didn't have all the ones I would have had pre-diet that people didn't want - weirdos!!) but did get tricked by the mini mince pies. How are they over 100kcal each?!! I only had two but definitely wish I'd switched those for the rest of the macaroons. 

I work out I had 2900kcal yesterday. I'd saved 1200 over the week plus the 1400 I'm allowed and I only need to save 300 to make up. Although we start again for next Friday now! Overall though, a success. 

Sunday 29 November 2015

1/4 of the way to 120lb!!! Thanks Jane Plan

I did it!! 30lbs off.

I can't believe that I'm heading towards half way now...

For me it's really helping to have goals and stats to mark my achievements. In fact my favourite app for numbers is Happy Scale:

7lbs to the next goal. Hopefully Xmas events won't hamper it too much!

30lbs lost
90lbs to go

Saturday 28 November 2015

Jane Plan - the support

I thought this warranted a whole separate post - I have to say the support I've received on the Jane Plan has been amazing! Every time I'm feeling down my Nutritionist has been there for me. I needed help with what to eat on my first dinner off-plan - she helped me choose. I was hungover and guilty - she gave me a pep talk.

What's great about this support is that she definitely tells me the truth (unlike a friend who just wants to make me feel better) but at the same time reminds me how amazingly well I'm doing!

We discussed my plan of attack for the party season and I feel armed and shielded from it. I know what my plan is for each event, but if I screw up its fine! We decided that I would just try to do better than I would have done had I not been on the plan - compensate when I can, make better choices where I can (slim g and t no baileys for example). Among other things.

This is why I rave about this plan. While the food is good and the convenience is invaluable, I honestly believe that the reason I'm sticking to it is because of the support. It's only a short call each week but if something comes up in the week I know I can call or email too. However, discussing the week ahead every week prepares me for what would otherwise be a challenge. It's almost like a hall pass, but having that means I'm not so bothered about doing it.

I'm empowered. Thank you Jane Plan and particularly my Nutritionist.

Friday 27 November 2015

1240kcal per day and 3lb on :(

I know that there are going to be bumps in the road, but it still doesn't make it any more easy.

I went on the scales this morning and I'm 3lb heavier than I was last time. I know we women we can fluctuate in weight, but it doesn't make it easier to digest. I've checked MyFitnessPall and my average kcal for the week is 1240 which is 240 below what I'm allowed in order to lose 2lb a week. It should be falling off...

26lbs off :(
94lbs to lose


My nutritionist at the Jane Pan was right - it was the off plan day before - today 2 lbs of the 3 are off and I'm hopeful the 1 or more will be gone tomorrow!

28lbs off (phew)
92lbs to lose

Thursday 26 November 2015

A little nervous about the night off the Jane Plan at Boqueria Tapas

I'm so excited to see my friends tonight, but it's also making me a little nervous. Just had a look at the menu and pre-diet I would have been so excited (Boqueria Tapas). One thing I do these days is to make 2 choices - what would I have eaten (pre-diet) and what I'm going to eat. I think it helps me to see where the weight came from. One day I'll need to learn to eat somewhere in the middle of the two, but that's some time away yet.

So, I would have eaten:
  • Calamari - this was one of my faves with lashings of sauce;
  • Chorizo;
  • Octopus; and
  • Pig with lemon sorbet (I would have wanted to try something weird like this).
I would of course have managed a desert too!

So, tonight I am looking at:
  • Seabass; or
  • Rice with squid and mussels
But I'm not even sure that they are OK...I will have to ask the staff and hope they know the menu! alternatively, I'll eat as little as possible and I can always top up with a miso soup when I get home.

According to MyFitnessPal I have 958kcal remaining, so I could have a slim G and T, a glass of red and I'll still have quite a few kcal to play with.

If I mess up, I'm not going to worry - I can make up in the next few days.

I'm getting the hang of this now. I also went out last night to the cinema. I ate dinner before going (well actually I had switched lunch and dinner round yesterday) and at the cinema I had a small diet coke (which was the size of a house) and I had taken my own popcorn at 58kcal a bag from Tesco...I treated myself to 2 bags! In addition we went for a coffee afterwards and I, cheekily, ate my Jane Plan Luxury Chocolate Bar while my friend had a caramel shortbread. I was only slightly jealous! (I'm quite a jealous person, so this really was an achievement).

OK, well I'll report back on how I manage tonight later.

Lbs lost: 29
Lbs to go: 91 still...


So what I actually ate was:

* paella with prawn and muscle 
* calamari. 

I'm feeling bad about the calamari because it actually wasn't that tasty so I should have stopped rather than finishing. On the plus side I didn't finish the dip and I didn't finish the paella!! I did have 2 lovely glasses of wine though :). 

Jane plan food - images and opinion

Whilst my other posts are about my journey, I'm going to talk about the actual food on this post. To clarify, I have not received any gift/sponsorship - I simply want to share my views and experiences. 

In my first month I asked Jane Plan to choose for me and had much more variety in terms of breakfasts. I still have a variety in terms of lunches and dinners

If you do you have any questions, please comment, and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.


Above is the Branberry flakes with strawberry (128kcal) with 75ml of skimmed milk (26kcal). This is one of the lower calorie breakfasts on the plan but it is really tasty. I also very much enjoy this cereal with natural yoghurt. 

Above is the Toffee Pecan Granola (200kcal) with 75ml of skimmed milk (26kcal). This granola really does not taste like a diet breakfast...I love it! In my second month I ordered 28 portions of this and nothing else. This month, because my calories have reduced, I've mixed up my breakfasts and I'm having some of the Branberry Flakes (above) so that I can reduce my calorie intake. On the days I'm having a lower calorie dinner I'll have the Toffee Pecan Granola and on higher calorie days I'll compensate with Branberry.

UPDATE: thanks to Ceri (@lifewithbumps)  on Twitter I tried both the above with hot milk and they were delicious and great for cold mornings!!


The Tuna Pasta Salad (253kcal). You should really have it with some fresh salad, but if you can't be bothered then this is what it looks like. I like this as a super easy lunch. It's nothing to rave about but it's perfectly pleasant.

The Salmon and Dill (154Kcal). It's pictured with a handful of cherry tomatoes - I would usually have some greenery with it to make it look more appealing and give it more balance as a dish, but I've run out. I really love dill, but I don't really love this. Its palatable, but I am not ordering again next month. I think it's tinned salmon, which I'm not a fan of. The other fish lunches are steaks (I think that's how you describe it - a lump!). As you can see there is also some beans, potato and tomato in the pot.

UPDATE: I had a much nicer one today and the salmon seemed much better. Perhaps it needs the side salad - 

My favourite lunch!! The Moroccan Salad - with salmon and bulgar wheat (298kcal). I have had a lot of these - they taste as good every time. This is by far my favourite lunch, if not meal, on the Jane Plan. It's just delicious. I don't need accompaniment with it, but it goes well with most salad. You don't need dressing because this tastes so good alone. 


The Chicken Korma with Rice (322kcal). This is really delicious. When I first saw it it looked awful and I thought the portion was tiny but I now love it and have it as my Friday/Saturday treat every week. You can see in the pic, because of the way it's packed, the rice sticks together on the top in the packaging. However, as you can also see on the bottom it's not stuck together and it separates easily. I would totally recommend this and I order it every month. I haven't worked out a vegetable which would go with it so I would welcome suggestions. I wasn't so keen on the Tikka so I won't be able to picture it as I don't order it anymore. But I would recommend trying it as this is a personal preference thing. 

Above is the Vegetable Chilli (150kcal). It is delicious. I didn't feel like I was missing out on meat. Interestingly it had potato wedges in it which I hadn't been expecting and were a very nice surprise. They added another dimension or texture to the dish and also slowed down the eating which is a bonus with these sort of dishes. I will definitely re-order this. It's the lowest calorie dinner I think I've had too, so that could be useful on days where you're going 'off-plan' at lunch.  In fact I've just ordered 5 for my next delivery for over the Christmas period to help me save on calories for those naughtier days.

This was my first taste of the Tuna Pasta Bake (248kcal). I had it with some lazy Sunday pre-prepared veg from Waitrose (68kcal). It was really tasty. It tasted quite strongly of sweet corn, which for me was great, but some may not like so much. In addition the pasta was very soft, again, for me that's fine but I know some that wouldn't like that. I would recommend and will reorder. 

Above is the Classic Beef Lasagne (299kcal) with roasted vegetables using Fry Light (1kcal spray) and lazy garlic. The lasagne is difficult to get out the tub and still looking nice, but it really is delicious. You wouldn't know it was low calorie. The vegetables weren't as nice as they would have been in oil, but dipped in the lasagne they were delicious! It was so nice to have something other than steamed veg thanks to Yvonne Hay (@yvonneh69) who recommended it on Twitter. 

The Vegetable Lasagne (233kcal). This really hit the spot tonight. I've had it before and I didn't love it quite as much last time. This time though, it really was delicious. It seemed a bit oily when I first took it out of the packaging but it tasted AMAZING! I wanted more. Though there was enough. I worked late so was hungry and couldn't be bothered to make veg with it. 

The Chicken Napolitano (207kcal). This is one of the lower calorie meals. However, I really, really like this. I didn't have any motivation to cook last night so this is just with Birdseye microwave steamed vegetables. I like the source so much it doesn't matter what I have it with. If I put the sauce over it I like it.

I had corgette spaghetti for the first time yesterday. I had it with the Chicken Neapolitano. It was a totally different meal - it was lovely. With quite a lot of black pepper it was a very different flavour dimension. 

Wednesday 25 November 2015

It's all a little too easy...

It's been two weeks since I reached my first goal. In that time I've reached another goal - I lost 2 stone in 9 weeks. To think that this was beyond the goal I set myself at the start of the journey is mind blowing to me. 

I've set two more dresses out which I would like to get in. One is a 'small' size 20. Those of you above a size 14 will know that shop and cut can make you need anything between 3 sizes. This is one of those dresses that I really should have bought a size up at the time. I love it though so can't wait to fit in it properly. The other, a black dress,  is a 16 that I bought in a sale when I was on another 'yo' (diet). I've never fit in it, so that will be a special day. It's some way away yet!!

I'm almost in the larger of the two dresses...I look forward to showing you!

I've attended a number of social events including drinks with my aunt who was in town and an afternoon with my bestie in the pub. We booked a holiday! Another motivator...I have 7 months until I'm in a swimsuit (or even bikini?!). 

People are noticing the changes and mentioning it which is nice. 

However, December is just around the corner and, of course, so is party season. I've got events a minimum of twice a week to Xmas. Then of course there is Xmas itself!

One step at a time though. I need to stay in the moment and look at the successes. 1lb and then I'm 1/4 of my way there!!

Lbs lost: 29
Lbs to lose: 91

I reach my first goal in 8 weeks!

So, anyone who has been a dieter at some point in their life knows that seeing a different number at the beginning of their weight is a huge milestone. So, I set my first goal, 1 stone and 9 lbs. Not only does this mean the number at the beginning has gone down by 2, but it was also my ‘I never get fatter than’  weight before I had my back problems.
Unsurprisingly I suspect, I still find it hard to say what I actually weigh or weighed. Its probably easy to guess, but I'll continue to talk around it I'm afraid.

I think most people (other than those who eat to a massive excess) seem to top out at a weight for them. Thinking about it, it’s likely to do with metabolic base rate. How much you eat, your age, height and weight and your level of exercise. I suppose this is the case for those that eat to excess too, but that they just haven’t reached the weight yet that they would max out at, eating what they do.

I was so excited when I reached my first goal, but also a little disappointed. I was really proud of myself, but then didn’t know what to set as my next goal. This is where the support of Jane Plan put me on the right track again! They reminded me that every 7lbs should be a great achievement, in fact each lb. So following my support call that week I set around 20 seperate goals. I wrote a list of all the future milestones – dress sizes, weights, a new number at the start of the weight and what I’m going to treat myself with for each.

For my first goal I treated myself to a hot stone massage. I wanted to congratulate my body. It was AMAZING!!! (the massage, not my body!) I hadn’t had anything like this in 7 years. I hadn’t felt that I was worth it. Now I had, I wanted more.

Lbs lost: 24

Lbs to go: 96


I start to see a difference

Following the success of my birthday week I felt like I really could do this. This is when I started to believe that I could reach a healthy weight. I set my goal of losing 120lb. At first I didn’t want to tell anyone because, again, I didn’t believe I could do it, but as the lbs started to drop off and the diet wasn’t too tough, I figured why not! I didn’t set a deadline and I don’t expect to continue to lose 2lb a week, but I’m going to keep chipping at it until I’m there!

I started to notice a difference in my clothes. I set out an outfit for an important meeting the night before...when I came to put it on I couldn't wear it... It was TOO BIG!!! This was not the trend I'm used to. I have accumulated clothes in around 5 different sizes over the years. In the last year alone I've put on 3. As the outfit I had laid out was too big I tried on a dress I loved but hadn’t been able to wear for a while... it fit!


I wasn’t really sure how this was happening (of course I knew I was on a diet)…I wasn’t hungry, it wasn’t affecting my life in any significant way and the food was great! How was I losing this weight? If it is this easy, why has it taken me this long to find it!


Lbs lost:22

Lbs to lose:98 (only double digits!!)

Tuesday 24 November 2015

Why I chose the Jane Plan

For at least 21 years of my 31 on the planet I have been obese. For the vast majority of those I have been in the morbidly obese category. I've yo-yo dieted; at the end of each diet I gained more weight than I lost. I sometimes wondered what size I would be if I'd never bothered trying to diet in the first place!

Recently I've had back problems and I've been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia. Until then I'd been waiting for a magic cure to the pain and put my life on hold waiting for this. Finding out that there was no cure was tough. I felt hopeless, but I had a power to take control of one weight. 

I needed to find a way to lose some weight that I could stick to. I didn't have much faith in myself if I'm honest. That's why I considered a delivered diet would be the easiest option. They send me the food and I eat it...I knew I like convenience, that's half the reason I'm in this situation. After some research I chose the Jane Plan. 

I took the plunge and I signed up!

lb to go: 120!

Starting my journey with Jane Plan

The start of my steps!

I chose a start date but I didn't stick to it because I had a social commitment. The plan recommends that you have a drink free/no eating out first week.  My second start date came and I began. 

As every dieter knows, the beginning is easy...its still have motivation. But I was hungry. Really hungry. I was getting worried that I'd wasted The cost of a 4 month subscription on a plan I'm not going to be able to stick to! 

Support helped me through

I had my first call a few days in - I was told at this point I could eat as many crudités as I liked - this really helped. The hunger slowly subsided and I realised I wasn't quite hitting the celery as often. 

Following a sober (and boring) first week I began to resume my social life. My first commitment was dinner with friends I hadn't seen in a while. I looked at the menu in advance and panicked... I couldn't see anything on the menu I could eat. What should I do? Cancel? Have a side salad? There isn't one! Only buttery vegetables! I thought I could test the support via email (one of my reasons for choosing the Jane Plan) - I sent the menu to Jane Plan and very quickly (within an hour) I received a response! My nutritionist suggested either steak with plain veg or another option on the menu with some suggested tweaks. I chose the steak; I knew I wouldnt feel like I was missing out with a nice juicy steak to eat! 

Of course, despite ordering with all the amends, the veg came with butter on. I sent them back! Not only had I found motivation, but confidence and determination to follow this through. I have to say it did take that determination to watch my friends eating truffle fries!!

A number of social events came and went and I managed to make amends to the dishes to stay within my calories. A salad with no sauce and no croutons or another steak. A gin and slim rather than my usual glass of red. 

I used my fitness pal to track my calories (and still do 9 weeks in). I checked with my nutritionist and she said this was ok. As I began to lose weight though, the calories started to reduce!

My first slip up

I went for 'just one drink' at a reception at work. It started out well. I refused canapé after canapé, but unfortunately I didn't refuse the wine! As I got more drunk my new-found resolve weakened and I started to say yes to the canapés! Then the macaroons came out. Again, I started off well refusing them but after a while I broke down. Despite the weakness I recorded my consumption in my fitness pal..

The next morning, very hungover, my nutritionist called!! My weekly catch up. My nutritionist was amazing! Tantamount to a counsellor. She emphasised the positives - in the past I would have said yes to every canapé and every macaroon and probably taken some home! This was a key moment in my journey - I learned some new rules -
  • Don't beat yourself up;
  • Alter your behaviour as best you can;
  • Be better, it doesn't have to be perfect; and
  • Make up for it afterwards.

lbs lost: 9
lbs to go: 111